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How To Prepare For New Earth


With the intensity of solar activity during August 2023 (and lunar activity including two full moons, one of which an irregular Blue Super-Moon in Pisces), we are witnessing an unfolding of events on planet Earth like no other time before. The shocking occurrence of wildfires in Maui and Hurricane Hilary to name the most prominent examples. These events are representative of energy shifts towards the New Earth timeline. And we are being urged to align with these New Earth frequencies - in order to bring Earth’s highest timeline into fruition, as well as for our own good and wellbeing.

The suggestions listed below are things that the awakened collective are probably already aware of. However, if we want to ride the intensity of human evolution in a grounded, healthy, and mindful way, we must be diligent in our applications of higher consciousness.


  • Cultivate a deep awareness that YOU ARE AN ENERGY BEING. This is the most important recommendation. In New Earth, this awareness will be common knowledge; like oxygen is the air that we breathe. It is also a very important factor in our participation as Galactic Citizens.

  • Fully acknowledge that we humans are Citizens of Earth. This comes first and foremost above all of the definitions of individuality and illusions of separation that social and governing systems use to distract us. This consciously deliberate acknowledgement reactivates the inner circuitry of our individual energy fields that have been short-circuited by the EMFs presently plaguing our planet. This will help reestablish our personal energy alignment to Earth’s dominant 7.83 hertz frequency and connection to its energetic grid.

  • Rid or minimize everything that is toxic. Decrease your intake of processed food, lower vibrational media and music, alcohol, tabacco, marijuana (toxic escapism), sugar, man-made drugs, consumerism. This does not mean you have to give up everything you enjoy but it does require discipline. Consume with awareness in moderation. Eat non-GMO, organic, fresh food, read more, exercise, meditate, do yoga.

  • Drink more Earth-purified, spring water. It has been disclosed to me many times by benevolent forces that Earth’s naturally purified (spring) water cleans not only our bodies inside and out but it also cleanses and amplifies our energy fields. If you do not have a resource of natural spring water, consider placing elite shungite in filtered tap water.

  • Intentionally heal the Earth. This can come in various forms that you find resonant. Cleaning up litter, volunteering at an animal sanctuary, burying crystals in harmed locations, offering prayers or energy clearings for areas of pollution or natural disaster - However you feel called to serve the wellbeing of the planet, do it with pure intention.

  • Consider using plant medicines during severe times of change. Herbal tinctures, flower essences, homeopathy, mushrooms, essential oils, etc. Use these natural medicines to help move through difficult transitions in life. The more extreme the transition, the more potent the medicine.

  • Anticipate peaceful contact. The New Earth timeline includes humans becoming fully aware of themselves as citizens of the Galactic Community and active participants within the community as stewards of Earth.

  • Receive frequent energy healing sessions. With intense Solar frequencies and lightcodes bombarding us throughout this ascension/evolutionary process, consider having routine energy sessions to help support your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. Schedule with a trustworthy energy therapist who has assuredly done their own inner work. Their authenticity will be exemplified through the fruits of their labor. Exercise discernment.


Within the next eight to nine months, we will begin to see people vanish without a trace. At first, the vanishings will begin one-by-one within a few unrelated locations. News of the disappearances will travel by word of mouth in local communities. Over time, the few cases will gradually build until there is a notable amount of many disappearances. Main stream media will eventually begin to report on the phenomena. A buzz about “the rapture” will flood Christian media sources.

Although it may appear that people are being “raptured”, those lifted from the planet are actually being “exported” to space stations by benevolent star peoples. The Great Awakening diagram discloses that the Sphere Being Alliance will assist humanity after the Grand Solar Flash. They will also be teleporting people off planet in preparation of the Grand Solar Flash. Members of the Sphere Being Alliance will move these individuals to off-planet locations due to their inability to physically and mentally assimilate intense light energies from the Sun. At these stations teleportees will receive care and assistance to adjust their energy fields to higher frequencies. Otherwise, if these individuals were left on Earth, a sort of internal combustion would happen to their bodies, their minds, or possibly both. And if these combustions are allowed to happen on Earth, the current governing global forces would use the phenomena as a fear tactic to create more loosh for their agenda of control.

“Who will be teleported?”

Individuals who will be selected are Souls who came to Earth to do good work and who naturally have a high vibration but have not spiritually awakened. They most likely have deeply imbedded belief structures (religion) that do not allow them to ascend in Christ/Unity consciousness.

“Will these individuals return to Earth?”

Yes, some will. All transportees will be given a choice once they’ve been assisted at the space stations. Some will chose to transition because the weight of new found knowledge they bear will be too much of a strain in contradiction to their religious beliefs. Some, with their new insightful experience of being teleported, will eagerly choose to work in other areas of the galaxy or in a different galaxy altogether. And some will return to Earth after the Grand Solar Flash to help those who stayed. Those who choose to return to Earth will look exceptionally radiant with light energy because, with the assistance of the star beings at the space stations, they’ve fully integrated New Earth frequencies.