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The Convoy of Unity Consciousness - The Pleiadians

Good day to you our Earthly friends!

We are so happy to meet with you on this very auspicious day in which you gather together in celebration of Love in all of its various forms and incantations.

We love celebrating the frequency of Love with you!

Love is translated in many different ways and the frequency of love that we would like to speak with you (about) today is that frequency (of) Love and Unification.

Unification being on very broad terms here - unification as a race as a peoples coming together in celebration of these higher frequencies that unify for the greater good of humankind.


This is what you are witnessing on the physical playing field in your current reality with the movement among different nations of your peoples and those who are making an effort to come together for a unified goal.

A goal that speaks for the benefit of all involved.

There are those who are strongly aligned in this frequency of unification and as you witness this unfold, more and more people are joining in the endeavor.

It is important for you to remember to keep your vibration high and focused on the ultimate desired effect.

The effect of well-being.

The promotion of well-being and good health and good fortune for all.

We implore you to do what you need to do to keep your vibration high as challenges arise.

Remember that being in the higher states of consciousness in peace-keeping activities is what will bring you the desired effect.

You already know this.

However, feel it resonate within your Being.

You all are vibratory Beings and you communicate on an energetical level before you even say a word to each other!

So if you are harmonizing with these higher frequencies and thus allowing those frequencies to ripple out from your field, you touch those who you are engaging with before you even speak to them.

This translates simply as a smile!

You may even smile with your eyes and deliver that message of goodwill to those who you engage with through the power of your intention and alignment with higher frequencies.

We so have enjoyed this interaction with you!

We send you much love, peace, and joy on your planet at this time.