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Turning Darkness Into Light

Embracing Conflict As Expansion In Consciousness

If you’re like me, when you look at current events happening on the world stage, you may ask yourself, “What can I possibly do help to facilitate peace in the world?”

You may find yourself feeling small, powerless, and thinking that anything that you might do would be insignificant on the global scope of things. (Which is not true by the way.)

You may feel an utter loss of knowing what to do while also feeling a deep yearning to make things better. (It’s the Law of Polarity at work.)


Division and choosing sides does not create solutions, it escalates dissension. Escalation results in war. War and civil unrest is not what most of us want to see in the world. And yet, governing bodies and corporate media still push war upon the population as if it is the only option available for resolution. 


There is a way out of the darkness we see in the world.

We can shift out of negative timelines by shifting our perspective.

Humanity is in a great intensity of evolutionary change. Earth is evolving out of a state of duality. At a mind-boggling speed, I might add. Collectively, we are becoming keenly aware that the dualistic nature of war is a not a viable solution to conflict as it has been repeatedly proposed in the past.

On the surface level, an act of war is a false movement of expansion. Anything done with a resisting force, accompanied by lower vibrations of fear, hate, and obliteration is a contraction, not expansion. And so, the contractions of war we are witnessing around the world feel out of alignment with the current state of Earth’s evolution. This is one reason why world events feel very intense. 

A “negative” timeline serves as a catalyst for expansion

But, energetically speaking, if we mindfully reframe our perspective of conflict (The Law of Relativity aka Correspondence) as an opportunity for expansion in consciousness, we empower ourselves with a different choice. A choice that is more beneficially effective.


Conflict naturally stirs up tension that we feel. If we choose to shift our perspective of tension and harness it as a beneficial catalyst for expansion, we produce more fluidity in our energy field. (The Law of Vibration) The greater the tension you feel = the greater the opportunity for growth = the greater the expansion = a greater good is manifested.

This shift in perspective empowers us. It enables us to become more malleable and have an easier time maneuvering the situation.

When we embrace expansion, we raise our vibratioN.

Otherwise, resistance to tension generates rigidity. It creates stress in the energy field and in our bodies. Rigidity is most often attached to the ego being right. If someone is convinced that their viewpoint is right and they are not budging, they are in a state of rigidity and no effective solution can manifest.


If you are in a state of rigidity about anything, I invite you to consider making conscious inquiry. Ask yourself, “How can I be more pliable in this situation?” How can I co-create a Win-Win?” This opens up the field to beneficial potentialities that were not available before in a state of rigidness.


The process I have described above is the utilization of Universal Laws. A goal for world peace can feel impossible. But if we break it up into manageable pieces and apply this Universal system to our individual lives, the impossible becomes possible. As we all make conscious choices to see and do things differently, the light we create ripples out into the world. (The Law of Cause And Effect)

By making conscious choices, we up-level into a state of Mastery. Now is our time of Mastery. By exercising our freewill and choosing what we WANT to create in the world. By loving what is good - LOVE, ABUNDANCE, PEACE, and JOY. 

What I am proposing is that when we find ourselves in conflict, whether on a global scale or in our personal lives, that we shift our focus to see the light hidden within the dark. We start by choosing differently. Choosing discernment over judgement. Choosing consciousness over reactivity. Choosing fluidity over rigidity. Choosing Love over Fear (False Evidence Appearing Real).

There is nothing - NO THING - standing in our way. Except for our perspective of what we are witnessing.

With love and hope,