The Era of Aquarius
Well, Friends, if there was doubt before there is no longer any doubt! We have definitely entered the Age of Aquarius!
The Energies of the Aquarius Era
The energies of this new era, which I find very exciting, can be felt within our power center. We have a bright future ahead! It is time for us to plant seeds that are in alignment with this new era. Tap into those creative juices and get out your pen, paper, paints, brushes and canvases, your instruments, music and dancin’ shoes! Get out all of your creative tools and get ready because now is the time to tap into our creativity and allow our creative expression to shine through.
As we plant seeds of creativity, most of us will also clear out a lot of stagnant energy or remnants of old paradigm that no longer fits our elevated vibration. We have created a new energy field with fertile soil to sow seeds of creativity for a prosperous horizon for all of us, both on an individual and collective scale.
Aquarius brings in and pours out a new way of expression... Fixed and yet fluid, Aquarius inspires us to move harmoniously in an energy of fluidity. Aquarius is an air sign that enables us to take a deep breath before we embark on this amazing journey in cultivating the seeds of new life on planet earth.
You may find yourself meditating more often.
The cultivation of a sense of peace during this time is very welcomed considering the chaos and turmoil that we have endured over the last years since March 2020. That doesn't necessarily mean there will not be more challenges that may arise. However we have grown through the adversities that we have collectively experienced over the past few years.
With this growth comes a sense of empowerment that allows us to tap into our sovereignty that lives within each of us as a frequency. We can ignite and sense and feel within our power center, the solar plexus, this sense of Divine Sovereignty that inspires us to act with positive resolve through our inspired action.
With Aquarius energies, you may find yourself experiencing moments of inspiration awakening innovative ideas. This inspiration may excite you and cause you to take action towards bringing these ideas to fruition. Write down your ideas, reach out to those who you feel intuitively guided to connect with, and allow these ideas to percolate.
As we are guided through the steps necessary to bring our ideas into fruition, we will collectively create a movement, a wave of energy that will further integrate the awareness of Unity consciousness. This is a new way of thinking for humanity, creating win-win situations for all. This new way of life on planet earth we are moving deeper into with this age of Aquarius creates prosperity, abundance, good health and good fortune for everyone involved. So it’s a matter of if you want to jump on the prosperity train now or if you're gonna wait for the next one but this is the direction that we're moving in.
The more that you can do to align with this new way of Unity consciousness, do so now because the old way of Service-to-Self paradigm is crumbling. I promise you, Friends, we have moved into a higher optimal timeline that offers a further integration of Unity consciousness. As we flourish in this unified field of higher consciousness, we get closer and closer to making contact with our galactic community. It’s only a matter of time!