Lightcodes: Stepping Up Our Ascension Game

Incoming lightcodes are actually that… They are codes of light that travel through the Sun’s rays. These codes cause a reprogramming of our cellular structure so that we are able to hold and maintain higher frequencies on a physical level. As uncomfortable or even painful it can feel sometimes as these incoming lightcodes can bring with them an onset of Ascension symptoms, the integration of these energies is necessary as we rise towards higher states of consciousness. This integration enables us to actually have a higher-level of understanding and open conversations with our Galactic neighbors.

Open contact with alien lifeforms is inevitable. We are now seeing reports about it in our mainstream media. And in order for us to interact peaceably within our Galactic community, we must integrate our individual and collective pain body i.e. life experiences that remain unresolved, unhealed and unintegrated. When we reconcile and transmute our inner wounding, we raise our frequency and empower ourselves as Sovereign Earth, and ultimately Galactic, Citizens.