Polarize Your Life with The Universal Law of Polarity
Be honest.
Not with me. With yourself.
Do you feel like life is happening TO you? Or FOR you?
If life feels like it has opened up a can of whoop-ass on you, don’t fret…
Life on planet Earth is feeling wayyyy intense right now!
Our planet is having some intense astrological days. A Super New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (The God of War, no less). Not to mention the 71-year-old transit of a devil comet. With an approaching trigger-happy Jupiter/Uranus conjunction that could fry your hair.
It’s enough to make anyone’s head swim, not just the cardinal signs - aka Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. (Who are the most affected, btw.)
And headlines don’t offer much solace…
“Urgent warnings!.. Shocking events!.. Strange prophecies!”
Oy vey.
How about we flip the polarity coin to the other side?
Make life work for you instead.
Eclipses are pivotal points of permanent endings and beginnings. The actual event of an eclipse only lasts for a few minutes. But we reap the consequences of eclipse energies for up to SIX months.
Solar eclipses symbolize both light and shadow. Darkness crosses over the light bringing shadow into full focus so that you may see what needs to be addressed. It forces you to look at what you don’t want = life happening to you. It’s up to you to decide if you use that info to identify the effect you want to create = life happening for you.
what has come to the surface for you?
Relationship issues?
A health concern?
A financial dilemma?
In my new book (COMING THIS SUMMER!),
I talk about using polarity to align your energy with life experiences you desire - a solid relationship, a healthy body, a promotion, an uplevel in lifestyle, a windfall of abundance. In a step-by-step process, you learn to use Universal Laws to link with your desired, most optimal timeline in an effective way.
But you must decide that you are going to devote your focus on what you want even if it is difficult at first.
This is how a Conscious Genius works. It’s assertive Creatorship - masterfully honing your energy towards the reality you desire to experience in the world. That is the art of Energy Alchemy.
And now is an opportune time to wield it. Because the current energies are urging us to put our passion into action. They’re like power-ups that fuel your energy output and manifestations.
So what are you waiting for?!?
Still not sure?
OK, consider this…
Solar eclipses present new beginnings for growth and for the future, surprising insights, new perspectives, and unexpected opportunities… right?
I would say you’ve got a fair shake at winning what you want.
It’s just a matter of whether or not you choose to align with the current energies to work for you.
This is why I do what I do - To help you utilize your Energy Alchemy to work FOR YOU during intense times in an uncertain world.
“But how?”, you may ask.
Through clarity.
Clear understanding, clear guidance, clear direction.
So if you are wanting to feel confident and be more assertive in your manifestations, now’s your opportunity. Book an introductory call with me below.
And activate your potential…
“Whenever you set your intentions, set them in the present tense. Otherwise, you keep chasing them into the future.”