Rise Above the Challenge - The Arcturians
Greetings to you this day!
We are pleased to join you in this transmission.
You have asked for our perspective regarding the energies surrounding the full moon February 2022.
The overall energies presently facing the global population is a sense of stall.
You may have felt a stalling within the energies.
That is a stall within the movement of progress towards your (collective) desired end result.
Your activities towardshigher states of evolution in the human population has gained momentum.
However, you will feel the intensity rise around the time of your full moon as though the challenges that you are presently facing with governing bodies have created a stall that may not end.
However, we encourage you and we implore you that this stall of energies may feel unmovable (but) it is necessary in order for those who challenge the harmonic fluidity of the human collective (who are) reaching for and pushing energy towards a timeline that unfolds for the betterment of all peoples.
So as a collective you serve yourselves well in joining together in a unified field of an awareness that these structures that challenge you must be energetically dismantled so that new structures may be formed…
So that new agreements may be written for the future of humanity.
Not only are you creating a new way of being on your planet earth but you are also dismantling the old.
Keep this in your awareness and as you do so you will soothe your frustration, your discouragement, your irritation as challenges arise around the dismantling (of) current structures.
Remember to stay within the energies of your heart.
Doing so will negate energies that aim to pull your vibration down into lower fields of frequency.
We implore you to stay the course.
And know that you are evolving as the Sovereign Galactic Citizens that you are
and came to be
and discover.
We wish you much peace.
Thank you for joining us.