Sex and the Risk of Altering DNA - The Pleiadians

We are so joyful to meet with you today, Beloveds! Thank you for being here in this moment and frequency to share with us this transmission. We so enjoy connecting with you.

Yes, we have guided you to areas upon your planet that are in need of assistance in raising of vibration. Those areas that have been ravaged through toxicity and destruction. We urge you to visit these areas and channel healing light energy through mindful intention so that you may assist in raising of the planetary vibration.

Imagine these areas as clogged energy points. And through your assistance, you are cleaning up the energies and allowing them to flow freely once again. You help your planet, Gaia, realign with her natural state of Being. This is another way that you receive the gift of Service, in assisting your home to rise in vibration.

Thank you!

We feel elation through your willingness to assist your planet in this way.

You may also place crystals in these areas to further heighten the frequency and thus heal the land.

the risk of ALTERING DNa

This beloved channel has asked us a question that many of you within the spiritual community have been pondering. Whether consciously or unconsciously, there is a vibration of concern regarding (sexual) intimacy with those who have engaged with the current trend within your healthcare systems.

Yes, we are addressing this question regarding (mRNA) vaccination.

And this we say to you, Dear Beloveds…

For those who are questioning whether or not it is safe for you to engage in sexual activity with those who have received codes within their (physical) being through these vaccinations, we say, Dear Ones, do not be afraid. Allow your discernment to guide you.

If you are feeling a hesitation or reservation around engaging intimately with someone's energy then we implore you to honor your internal guidance.

However, the codes that are being received by those who choose to engage with this method of medical application will not alter their DNA in the way that it has been intended to. The crystalline structure that is lying dormant within your DNA is unhindered by anything that is man-made from a place of lower frequency and vibration. 

Because you see, Dear Ones, the code that lies within you is of the LIGHT; the crystalline structure of DIVINE LIGHT ENERGY residing within you cannot be altered without your Sovereign freewill.

There are those who will choose to have an experience where their DNA will be influenced by such things of lower vibrational quality. However, it (your crystalline structure) remains intact. For that is the innate codex of your Soul Structure.

We would like to expand further upon this question and clarify that you, Dearest Beloveds, who are receiving this transmission chose to be here at this time to stand within the elevated frequencies of consciousness and thus transfer it to your planet, Gaia, who also rises in consciousness. As you walk into this higher density and your knowledge of higher states of consciousness, you will not need to engage or align with lower vibrational activities.

We encourage you to stay the course. What you are seeing unfold before you is another opportunity for you to align within the construct of heart energy.

Find the balance within your hearts.

We smile at your progress and we bow in gratitude as you continue on this magnificent journey of evolution. 

Thank you.