The Big Energy Split
Are Ascension energies splitting up couples?
2020 and the events that followed has served humanity as a catalyst. A situational wake-up call projected millions of individuals into an atmosphere of life re-evaluation. Hundreds of thousands of individuals have had their old belief structures crumble and morph into new perspectives. Polarization is at an all-time high. And we are presently seeing it among couples.
For example, with the announcement of Bill and Melinda Gates’ divorce, I see a trend where many couples and partnerships are openly acknowledging the discrepancy between their vibrations and points of view.
The acknowledgement of this discrepancy can sometimes come to a stalemate in which couples are not able to reconcile their differences and move forward in a parallel journey of personal and spiritual growth. This does not necessarily mean, however, that couples will indefinitely separate. But for now, their paths may lead in opposite directions to facilitate the growth that they are seeking, whether consciously or unconsciously.
This is indicative of the frequencies that are flooding the planet at this time. These energies are packets of information that are activating new frequencies within our consciousness. Integration of higher vibrational frequencies can play out in a number of different ways, dependent upon an individual or a group of people and their propensity to align with integration or to resist it.
“On the (Winter) Solstice of 2012, the planet entered a new epoch…. humanity was infused with an increase of spiritual light… this light is an expression of consciousness… working itself through our individual atomic structures - literally affecting the interactions of light and matter within us.
How each of us deals with this increased interaction between light and matter will be highly individualized. Some of us seem to be moving upward in consciousness, some of us seem to be treading water… we will see an acceleration of both human irrationality and luminosity. And the world will be caught between this ‘seesaw’ of self-destruction and self-realization.”
This can feel like a very challenging time. However, know with the incoming coded frequencies, we are receiving energy upgrades that will expand our heart consciousness and allow us to soften into the presence of Divine Love. This influences us to make different choices in our experiences. Aligned choices can reflect growth, illumination, and love within ourselves, extending into our family units as well as into our communities. It also strengthens our hearts so that we may endure our challenges with grace, knowing that everything is unfolding in Divine order. We are one in a unified energy field and not one of us is alone in this evolutionary process.
Should you need support during a life challenge, call upon your guides and your angels. Allow them to surround you with the Power of Love that is available to you at any moment, day or night. If you need one-on-one support, I invite you to book a session below.