The Global Financial System - The Galactic Federation of Light


We are The Federation of Light.

And we come to you during this time to offer our counsel to those of you who have awakened to higher states of consciousness.

The Global Financial System

Over the next few months, you will witness the dismantling of the global financial system.

You may perceive this as a sort of domino effect, as it cascades financial systems from country to country.

This dismantling may appear to be as a very destructive force among your peoples.

However, we implore you to stay the course. And to continue to hold the higher frequencies that you have tapped into through your vibrational field.

In doing so, you help to contain the integrity of the (higher) frequency on Earth among humanity.

Collectively, you are shifting in to this higher frequency.

It is your gift of awakening, and responsibility, to hold this vibration.

The vibrational frequency of nature (172 hz) is helpful.

But the vibration that we speak of are those higher vibrations that you have felt within your being during meditation.

The higher frequencies that you commonly refer to as the fifth dimension.

These frequencies feel like the emotions of joy, peace, and love.

The more often you hold your own individual vibration within these frequencies; that vibration ripples out from your center and to the environment, as far as the cosmos, around you.

We are here to remind you that you are energy. And you may maneuver through these imminent events regarding your global financial system through your knowledge of how energy works.

Perceive yourself as a beacon that changes the course of a ship as it approaches nearer - a light that directs the ship onto another course.

Our council is in communication with you to offer you insight from our perspective so that you may travel in this journey of conscious evolution in the highest, most optimized way of Being.

We commend you for your steadfastness and your diligence to seek and awaken to Knowledge that will assist you during this process.

Thank you for joining us in this transmission.