The Love-Zap Exercise

Judgement is a conscious creation killer. Whether directed at ourselves or towards others, judgement lowers our vibrational frequency and creates an energetical chasm that separates us from our desired way of living. The antidote to judgment? Love.

Years ago, I experienced a grand self-realization. I discovered how often I would curse something or someone with unconscious judgement. For example, an aggressive driver in traffic, the owner of a disobedient dog, or a frowning passer-by would set me off in a swirl of judgmental thoughts fueled with emotions of irritation or annoyance. When I realized how often these mini-tornados of negativity were occurring within my mental/emotional inner-scape, it was quite shocking and extremely humbling. Previously, I believed myself to be a loving person. With this discovery, I began an experiment that I dubbed “Love Zapping”.

Inspired by The Love Book by John Randolph Price, I became enticed to use opportunities like described above to shift my vibe from a scowling Judge Judy to a sincerely smiling spectator. I decided that as I went about my day, I would remain as mindfully aware as possible in my interactions. If I felt my Judge Judy alarm go off, I planned to do my best to redirect my energy towards silver-linings and well-wishes. Easy for some, not so much for others.

Indeed, it was during simple scenarios in daily life, which usually involved strangers rather than loved ones, that I got the most practice out of my Love-zapping exercise. It wasn’t easy at first but when I was successful, I experienced immediate, beneficial effects in doing so.

The most prominent scenario that I encountered is when I witnessed an argument between a couple. As I sat quietly trying not to listen, I caught myself having judgmental thoughts about the critical words that were being tossed around between the two. The energies of accusation and defensiveness between them invaded my otherwise peaceful space.

At that point, I decided to give my Love-Zap technique a shot.


How to Love-Zap!

  1. Take in a slow, conscious breath and silently whisper these words to yourself:
    "I am love. I am loved. I am loving. Divine Creator, please help me to love."

  2. Allow a feeling of Love energy to rise from your belly (the emotional center) and expand into your heart. If needed, You may place your hands over your heart space to help channel the energy there.

  3. Send this energy as a beam of rose-gold colored light out through the palms of your hands, your heart space or through your eyes to those who you are observing. You may feel a tingling or warm fluid sensation in your heart, arms &/or face as you do this.

  4. See those who you are focused upon being wrapped up in this rose-gold colored, illuminated bubble of Love energy.

  5. You may silently assure them, “It’s OK. You are loved. You are safe. You are cared for.” or something like that; silently say to them whatever you feel in your heart in the moment.

Within seconds of doing a Love-Zap sneak attack, the tone in the woman's voice softened. She said to her partner in a surrendering huff, "I really don't want to argue with you... I love you." Her partner bowed his head in surrender too, then he reached out for her and pulled her in for a long hug. The energy within the room almost instantly shifted from an agitated, intense state to a more relaxed, peaceful one. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it. It was the most immediate and powerful response I had witnessed in my Love-zapping experiment. All it took was a few seconds to shift my energy to Love and send it out. Without saying a single word.

Imagine what our lives would be like if we only chose to Love more often. Imagine what the world would be if we only chose to Love more often.

You may say I’m a dreamer. But I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us and the world will be as One.
— John Lennon