“We do not receive what what we think we need, we receive what we are ready for.”
What To Expect In A Session:
Natasha sets a safe, sacred space and guides the client into a meditative state through breath work in order to facilitate a sense of deep relaxation. Equipped with her unique blend of energy modalities such as Reiki and ThetaHealing®, she then observes the client’s energy field so that she can identify areas where the flow of energy is impeded. This technique can include chakra balancing, Soul fragment reclamation, or energy implant removal.
Once the root cause of the energy block has been revealed, Natasha facilitates high-frequency, Divine-Source-derived energy for the client, releasing energy blocks, correcting disturbances within their field, and conveys beneficial information to them. This therapeutic technique helps reestablish the natural energy flow and balance, resetting the client towards an optimal path of wellbeing, unhindered by discordant energies, disabling belief systems, or unaddressed traumas. This method is also beneficially soothing to those who are experiencing physical challenges of an ailment, chronic illness, or dis-ease.
After a session, clients often report relief from physical or emotional pain, feelings of lightness, peacefulness and relaxation, as well as a transformative sense of clarity and a new, insightful perspective of their life path or health challenge.
A CLIENT SHARES HER Detailed Experience
ELLIE H. • Los Angeles, CA