7 Tips for Navigating the Energy Shifts of Winter 2022-2023

It is time to be gentle as a lamb and wise as a serpent.
— Misty Stone, Intuitive Counselor

With the change of seasons, this year we can expect transformative energy shifts both on personal and global levels within the winter months of 2022-2023. While we witness the effects of these shifts play out on the world stage, it is wise to remain present and attentive.

Let’s begin with the super potent, partial Solar Eclipse on the Scorpion New Moon on October 25th. Lilith is also trine the new moon. This is indicative of a fiery transformative phase of the Divine Feminine coming into her primal power. What has been hidden in shadow will be revealed for purification. Do not expect things to be swept under the rug during this moon phase!

On November 8th, we will see a Total Lunar Eclipse on the Taurus Full Moon. Occurring during the passionate Scorpio sign, what is important to note here is Uranus is also in Taurus. What has already been shaken, stirred and served-up will become a glaringly obvious need to be dealt with, especially when it comes to radical reformation of banking, finances, agriculture, food and Earth’s sustainability.

For more information on the astrology of the eclipse season, I recommend going here and here.

The energy shifts of these eclipses are only the beginning of humanity’s dark journey for Winter 2022-23. Not the beginning of a dismal, apocalyptic end but the beginning of a new way of life on our beautiful home planet. When working with energy, we must acknowledge, dismantle, and release the old in order for new structures to be built and implemented. And as we maneuver the waters of this tumultuously transformative time, it is to our advantage to remain focused and vigilant.

Listed below is information that received through a prophetic dream regarding this winter.


  1. HANG UP. Discontinue your attempts in communication with those who are not interested in what you have to share. Be DONE and move on.

  2. ALLOW others to be where they are on their path. Everyone is on different levels of maturity in the Life/Soul experience. Do not become distracted by or judgmental of the crowd who acts with naivety or dabbles with inexperience. Allow them their journey while you proceed with yours.

  3. FACE YOUR DEMONS. As your shadows are stirred and your skeletons are shaken, go back to their place of origin and face your fears. The underlying energies of Rejection, Regret and Resentment are often rooted in childhood. The only way to get through the three unsavory R’s is to walk through the fire of purification. Make your journey. Do your work. And if you need help, book a session. You’ve got this!

  4. PRACTICE PRACTICALITY. Refrain from extravagant purchases or impulsive decisions this winter. Wait until after Mercury goes direct on January 18th, 2023. The energies will lighten up again in February/March 2023.

  5. BE STRATEGIC. Be very mindful when navigating events over the winter months. Listen closely to and follow your intuition. Remember, Uranus (unexpected surprises/change) is in Taurus (finances, food). When your inner guidance directs you to pause on something, WAIT! When it directs you to proceed, GO! Timing is everything!

  6. STAY FOCUSED ON THE OPTIMAL TIMELINE. There is much unknown that we are presently facing for the coming winter. Big changes are inevitably on their way. Yes, it will be challenging. Yes, it will seem treacherous. Yes, there will be risk involved. But have courage; WE WILL GET TO THE OTHER SIDE. And there will be celebration of triumph upon our arrival!

  7. RELAX. Trying to escape problems through fear will only disempower you. Instead, courageously hop into the driver’s seat and know that you and humanity are on the way towards a better future. Move forward with fortitude and conviction. AND, take time to relax and rejuvenate. Use comfort to soothe your nervous system. Find security in Self-Love and care. Here are some ideas.

Humanity is undergoing a sacred transformation through purification. Any perceived threats are either trivial, resolved or have subsided. Now is the time for you to trust in taking your own steps through this evolutionary journey into the primal darkness of the Unknown. I’ll meet you on the other side.