Why Efforting is Futile This Winter

Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.
— Edith Sitwell

An 11/11 Energy Update

October’s eclipses and the corresponding Scorpio season fiercely brought to the surface deeply concealed issues to acknowledge, reflect upon and be accountable for. With the discomfort of purification behind us and the fun-loving, freedom-seeking energy of Sagittarius in our view, we can finally take a moment to…

B R E A T H E - D E E P L Y.

WHEW… we made it!

The inferno-like purifying energies we experienced in October are now being soothed by the healing energies of a Grand Water Trine. A total of EIGHT cosmic influences - The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, Asteroid Pallas, and Black Moon Lilith - will each occupy one of the Water signs - Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces. This period favors our intuitive aspirations, relationships and working cooperatively with others. We will feel this cosmic influence until November 21st.  

Let’s now turn our attention to Mars…


On October 30th, Mars went retrograde in Gemini and will remain there until January 18th, 2023. What this means is the assertiveness and typical action-oriented energy of Mars has turned inward. Rather than attacking our projects and aspirations with gusto, we are influenced to act passively - internalizing our thought processes and evaluations of our personal goals and desires. Also, under the Gemini influence, our mental initiatives can feel a bit stalled. You may find yourself making inner inquiries about your role in various social settings, potential outcomes to changing your course of action, or alternatives to previously laid plans.

As Mars goes retrograde only every two years, it is helpful for us to align our own individual energies in harmonic convergence with this unusual Martian influence of passivity.


  • SHELVE YOUR EFFORTING. If you’ve been expending a lot of effort into a project or goal and cannot seem to get any traction, put it on pause for now.

  • AIM TO BE EFFICIENT in your actions. Less is more.

  • LEAVE THE MESS (for now). The state of world seems to be on a course of inevitable demise, especially regarding the Ukrainian war and global finances. (Check out tips from the Galactic Federation of Light regarding the global financial systems here.) Everywhere we turn, old systems are corroding into towering piles of bantha fodder. Where is the best place to be during a demolition? A safe distance away from the collapse. Refrain from attempts to maneuver the mess in egoic-driven calls-to-service. Your attempts could result in futility; your efforts thwarted by energectical debris. Wait until the valuable output of your energy will be more effective.

  • GO INWARD. Turn your efforting into introspection. Mull things over and make plans for when Mars goes direct in January 2023. Here’s something to look forward to in March!

  • STOKE THE HOME FIRES. In alignment with energies of a Grand Water Trine, take this time to heal and nourish relationships. Be present with those who you love. Heal health, hearth, and home.

And finally, as discussed in this blog post about navigating winter’s energies, remember to stay focused on the optimal timeline! We have a lot to look forward to!