Why Frustration Keeps You Unsuccessful
The emotion of frustration can lock you into feeling stuck and eventually burn you out thus creating even more frustration. Do you feel like you invest your time and energy into something that doesn’t gain any traction no matter what you do? If you're wanting to know how to overcome your frustration regarding relationships, professional advancement, or just about anything else, keep reading…
Listed below are the five steps I took to go from feeling frustrated and burnt-out to feeling empowered, inspired, and confident about my life. I share my personal story here. This technique can be applied to anything that you feel stuck and frustrated about, whether it's relationship, career or health-related issues.
“If you are capable of perceiving it, you are capable of living it. ”
Using the emotional guidance scale identify where you are in the current situation - In this article, we are addressing the emotion of FRUSTRATION. Frustration thought patterns may sound something like:
• No matter what I do, I can't seem to get past this.
• I’m stuck.
• I can’t.
• I have an energy block.
• I’m lost.
Can you feel the emotion in your body when you think or say these thoughts? The emotional feeling we feel in our bodies when we are thinking specific thought forms is what is referred to as vibrational frequency. In this specific case, it is the vibrational frequency of frustration. This unconscious emission of vibrational frequency is what keeps us locked in a state of frustration thus attracting even more frustrating encounters into our experience via the Universal Law of Attraction.
In this step, we want to move towards a vibrational frequency of EMPOWERMENT. Imagine the timeline you want to experience and try to feel what it would feel like. This is how we utilize the Universal Law of Polarity, by identifying contrasting situations or experiences.
3. SHIFT YOUR VIBE. aka “Timeline jumping”.
Once you’ve identified the contrast of your current experience vs. your desired experience through the Law of Polarity, you can then utilize the Law of Vibration.
Using the sensory awareness of your body is key to activating the vibration of the desired outcome within your energy field. Go into visualization of being on the flip side of frustration into an experience of empowerment and success.
After you have a clear, mental image of your desired experience, begin to pull your focus away from the mental body and the scene that you have created through the power of your imagination. Shift your internal focus to your sensory awareness within your physical body. It is important to feel the success of the desired outcome. Really explore within your body what it feels like to successfully manifest your desired outcome.
Next, bring the feeling into the present moment. P-U-L-L the vibration of your projection of the future timeline into the present moment. HOLD the feeling within your energy field as long as your possibly can, for at least 17 seconds or so. Be consistent in this application. The more often you apply this technique, the more you are going to activate the desired vibration in your energy field.
BETTER BELIEVE IT. If your projected outcome doesn’t feel probable to you in your visualization, it’s likely that it’s too great of a leap for you to make from where you are vibrationally in the moment. Focus on a goal that feels more probable to you. Then work your way up to where you want to be. As you do so, you will expand in your vision and vibration to greater aspirations and bigger dreams! Don’t discount the rewarding value of BABY STEPS!
BE MINDFUL not to form a habit of repeatedly fantasizing about a future event without doing the vibrational work. Doing so can create an energectial rut in the mental body where your energy hangs in a future mirage - a timeline that gains no traction. Like a carrot dangling on a stick in front of a hungry horse, you will find that the vision never comes to fruition. Instead, focus your energy on FEELING the desired end result and….
Once you have the desired vibration activated within your energy field, take action! Daily align your decisions, your choices, and your tasks with the desired outcome. Follow your YES!
5. EXERCISE GRATITUDE. The frequency of gratitude amplifies your vibrational frequency and aligns your energy field with the manifestation of the desired outcome. Your practice of gratitude tells your subconscious mind that your goal is a done deal. It’s like a POWER-UP that magnetizes you to what you want to manifest!
In closing, I want to clarify that this method is NOT about manipulating people to yield to your will. It’s more about creating a desirable lifestyle that you want to live. It’s not about manifesting more stuff that you think will make you happy. It’s more about creating joy and fulfillment that people seek through having success. The cool bonus is, that as you learn to wield your energy alchemy and focus your energy on love, peace and joyful fulfillment, you inevitably feel more empowered and attract the success and fulfilling relationships you seek. It’s a WIN-WIN!