A New Timeline - The Galactic Federation of Light

There are many among you who are receiving messages from the same source. Many of you are tapped into the frequency of communication with us. And we are here today to confirm to you that the messages that you are receiving are accurate. Many of you are learning how to tap into the galactic lines of communication among the galactic community. We congratulate you on a job well done in honing your skills of telepathy and psychic powers.


Many of you have done an outstanding job of clearing fear-based programs within your own environment - both internal and external environments. You may even feel a little stunned or surprised by your own progress.

Do not be alarmed.

This is a natural process albeit it has been accelerated in your linear timeline. But know that you are right on time, as you would say, in the development and unfoldment of human events on the earth plane. Know that as you increase your frequency, these communications will become more fluid-like for you; they will flow with ease and effortlessness as you communicate with us, in the same way as you communicate with each other on planet earth.

We understand that these communications (with us) may feel uncomfortable within your body, as the frequency within your physical form elevates to higher dimensional frequencies. There are those among us who are helping you integrate these frequencies on a physical level. Do not be alarmed. They are here to help you not to harm you as has been perceived in the past. The beings that we work with are benevolent and they honor your sovereign free-will as a Divine Being a Light of that which you are.

We thank you for being here at this time in this state of evolution on planet Earth. The honing of your skills and the lifting of your vibration within your physical bodies as well as the transformation of your DNA structure is all part of this process. And we commend you for your willingness and your effort for the best outcome.

Humanity's course is set in place. It's only a matter of events to play out, to unfold, as if upon a screen that you watch. But know this, that you are aligned with the optimal timeline. Your course has been set. And you will continue to rise in your consciousness and in your communication and connection within the galactic community. Again, we welcome you.

Do not let others distract you through their programming of fear. Maintain your focus and know that the course has been set.And everything you are watching is an unfolding of this timeline.

You will experience multiple energy shifts that are aligned with this timeline that humanity has set course for. It is important for you to maintain your focus. In doing so, further integrates and anchors in the end result. That being a higher dimensional Earth plane.

A new timeline is being aligned with this higher Earth plane. Allow events and scenarios and illusions to play out as they will.

Those not aligned with this timeline will diminish. They will diminish in your perception of their frequency.

 Align yourself with the Knowing that everything is unfolding according to this higher timeline. Be at peace. Be still in the moment and know your truth.

 There will be unprecedented events that will unfold. This is another timeframe in which energies must shift to meet the higher timeline. Stay aware and mindful. And choose to follow the guidance of your higher mind and the intelligence of your heart. Tune into compassion when interacting with others. Clear any fear-based energies. And command any fear-based programming to be returned to its original source. And apply your psychic skills as needed.

 We are one with you as citizens of the Galactic community.

Thank you for being here. Thank you for assisting us in creating balance within the Universe.