The Metamorphosis of Humanity - The Arcturians

It gives us great pleasure to connect with you at this time; during this evolutionary state of progress that humanity is currently experiencing. We commend you for a job well done in this evolutionary process, as you experience momentous shifts in your frequencies both as individuals and on a collective scale.

It has given us great pleasure to monitor this progress of humanity and
we have been quite astonished at the effort as you have maneuvered through these accelerated events and integration of higher frequencies.

We are but a few among the Galactic community who are astonished with this endeavor that humanity has proceeded in.

We implore you to continue with your trajectory towards these higher states of consciousness.

We understand that it may be difficult for you from time to time as events play out and unfold in a chaotic manner. The chaos that ensues upon the dismantling of former structures of consciousness can feel unstabilizing and uncomfortable but we commend you and encourage you.

You are indeed making progress.
Even though you may not see it with your physical eyes.

Tune into the energies that you feel within your body. You, as a vibrational being, are able to tune into these energies and acknowledge the truth of what is unfolding, behind the scenes and below the surface.

You are progressing at an exponential rate. A rate in which has not been experienced within the Universal history books.

This task that humanity has undertaken is unprecedented on a galactic scale and we encourage you to stay the course as you unfold and evolve within your states of consciousness.

Again, thank you for being here.
We are gleaning much information from your experience.

The knowledge that is imparted to us through your experience is beyond what we have encountered before. We appreciate your expertise in this evolution of consciousness. Because you see, Dear Ones, you are experts in the evolution of lower frequency to higher states of consciousness. And the information that is gleaned from your experience serves the Galactic community in ways that you cannot yet comprehend. It is expansive to say the least.

So that is why with much gratitude, we thank you.
For your endeavor and for your willingness to expand into the unknown.

With the current energies, you can expect an integration of grace. This integration will continue through the remainder of your year which will help you to ride the waves of change and transition. You will have an easier go at it for the remaining part of your year and into your upcoming new year. If you are presented with a situation that feels disconcerting, you have the opportunity to turn within the wisdom that resonates within yourself, within your Being, from the light codes and frequencies that you've thus integrated. Remember to tune into these frequencies that reside within your DNA structure.

You are evolving.
You are changing.


Within your physical bodies know this. Know that it is something that serves you and is not something to be feared.

You are transitioning into a higher dimensional, crystalline Being.
And the incoming energies that offer you a feeling of grace and comfort will help you to adjust to this new way Being. 

It may feel a little alarming at times. But rest assured, you are transitioning into a higher state of consciousness and will not falter. Feel this knowing within your being and let it guide you throughout your daily activities.

Your Knowing within the higher intelligent mind is the key to manifestation within the fifth-dimensional New Earth frequencies.

This sort of manifestation will increasingly become natural for you.
Remember to temper your higher intelligence with the intelligence of your heart.

This is the new way of Being on earth and it is your duty as a Galactic citizen to learn how to maneuver with these frequencies.

You are remembering the status of your Galactic citizenship and as this remembering unfolds within your being. You will witness this unfolding within your physical experience. As you feel this knowing within your body, you know that it is not something to be afraid of.

The trajectory that humankind is on presently is a plan that was formed collectively for the greater good of all humankind and their galactic neighbors.

Again, thank you for being here. We are grateful for your contribution.