Are Hidden Emotions Making You Sick?
“On a scale from one to ten, what would you rate your primary physical ailment, ten being the most excruciating discomfort?”
My client let out an exasperated sigh.
“I can’t do that.”, he replied with a slight tone of annoyance. “It’s all over the place. Besides, my doctor is working with me on my physical issues.”
In every session I begin with a set of questions which include an inquiry about one’s physical health. Like my client, you may think, What does that have to do with energy work? More than you might think…
“OK, in three words, how would you describe your emotional state? What would you rate it?”, I continued.
The tone of the client’s voice changed. “Emotionally?... well, I guess I’ve been kinda all over the place on that too; up and down.”, he said making the connection.
Like this client, there is more often than not a thread of commonality between physical complaints and emotional straint. Never have I heard a client with a physical ailment or illness say they were happy as a lark before the illness appeared. Why?
Because according to the Einsteinian belief model, everything is energy, including emotions. But what happens when emotional pressure is stuffed inside the body and goes ignored? Well, it eventually manifests functional stress. To make my point, take a look at the diagram below.
Renowned naturopathic doctor, Dr. Dickson Thom, teaches that all illness starts as an energetic imbalance. This imbalance usually goes unnoticed by the individual and it interferes with the energetical equilibrium that eventually manifests as a functional problem.
Dr. Thom advises his students that if the functional problem and the underlying energetical imbalance goes unaddressed, symptoms will become present as lesions in the physical body - usually very late in the disease process - up to thirty, forty, or even fifty years later. In other words, physical symptoms are an indication of an illness that began long before the symptoms arose.
“We are dealing with fundamental problems of energy and matter, and the treatment of illness by energy is in principle conceivable.”
In my book, The Way of Energy Alchemy, I discuss the unwanted effects of a Cause-Reaction Feedback Loop. This loop occurs when a client tries to change their physical experience to a more favorable outcome but to no avail because their inner energetics are looping in opposition of the desired manifestation. For example, illness is a manifestation of a looping, unacknowledged, emotionally-caustic energy. In order to stop the feedback loop, we must address the emotional root of the illness so that the physical healing process can be optimized towards greater health.
First, we name the cause. As I previously discussed in this article, there are five causes of dis-ease. Listed below are the most common…
3 most common causes of energetical toxicity are:
Trauma - usually from childhood, 0-18 years
Relationships - most current relationships are replicas of our earliest interactions with primary feminine and masculine roles, i.e. mother and father
Environment - including everything we consume, e.g. online media; most clicks occur on negative topics
Once the root cause of the imbalance is named, we then move to release it.
3 Steps To Release Emotionally Toxic Energy:
Feel it to heal it - Let yourself fully feel the emotion and just observe it.
Breathe into it - Locate where you feel the emotion strongest in your body. As you inhale, breathe into this area as if you are breathing into the emotion itself. Then when you exhale, direct the emotion out of your body through your out-breath. Utilize this breathwork until the emotion subsides.
Burn it - Write down everything you want to say about the event. Allow yourself to fully express how you presently feel as you think about it and how you felt at the time when the trauma occurred. When your written expression feels complete, ceremoniously burn the paper. I once had a client recovering from mold and heavy metals toxicity tell me that her husband bought her a Mexican chiminea to ritually burn all of her entries about her abusive mother. I thought that was a cool idea; no pun intended!
“Make different decisions about disowned needs… instead of trying to eradicate a need or coping with not having it met, reorganize your life around it.”
Once you’ve identified the cause and successfully released the energy around it, implement workable change. Rather than denying a mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical need, turn your attention to it and make decisions that support it so that you create real change in your health.
“Deep and real change is a journey of little deaths. The old you must die so a better you can be reborn.”
Change is not always comfortable. It can feel hard, especially in the beginning. It is said that it takes 21 days to break down an old habit and form a new one. That is why I offer my assistance to those who need extra support when they are facing a deep, emotional healing journey towards their desired level of wellness. I encourage you during the initial implementation of a lifestyle change to embrace it as an opportunity of growth and expansion into your optimal state of health and wellbeing. Remember: Daily, seemingly insignificant steps done consistently over time, yields phenomenal results.* And you may find that it is easier to set a new course since you’ve released the once hidden, toxic energy that was holding you back.
“What is difficult in the beginning has value in the end.”
Many blessings on your journey!