What Causes Illness and Disease?
Basically, at its deepest level, illness or disease is unchecked chaos within the energy field of the physical body.
In The Underlying Energies of a UTI, I mentioned how the human body is an exceptional instrument; like a gauge that reveals where the body’s energy is clogged with discordance. This disturbance in the force (of the body) is how disease, or DIS - EASE, is formed.
For example, in energy medicine, breast cancer usually indicates a long-standing resentment, anger, or even hatred towards the mother. In biodecoding, Dr. Ajana Miki relates breast cancer to a nesting conflict, in which the client harbors an internal conflict in the role as mother or wife.
Prostate cancer often times denotes a disempowered masculinity. From a ThetaHealing® standpoint, this belief structure is usually planted in the Core level during childhood, whereas a male child felt highly criticized as he could not live up to paternal expectations. This deeply ingrained, disempowering belief that one is responsible for but cannot live up to others’ expectations is often reflected in relationships, especially with a spouse or partner.
The most common culprits of disease are stacked layer upon layer…
5 MOST COMMON Causes of Illness and Disease:
Relational. How we relate to others in our inner circle and to our most immediate environments is usually the last straw to bring a discordant energy in the body to the surface as a symptom. For example, a common thread seen in mold illness is, as Dr. Chris Chlebowski states, “an unwillingness to see things we don’t want to look at”. Digestive issues can indicate a perspective of a situation as something “I can’t stomach” or “I cannot digest this”. Headaches and/or brain fog indicate an energy of “I can’t think about this”.
Beliefs. Beliefs are the underlying layer of relations. They are like computer programs played out through the subconscious mind onto the screen of the conscious mind. Thoughts, decisions and influences of perception dictated by unconscious murmurings of integrated belief structures eventually create havoc in the body.
Trauma. Adding another layer, almost every client (98.99%) I have seen has had some form of unintegrated, emotional trauma lodged in their energy field. This internal wounding, usually from childhood, carries through the person’s lifetime, replaying over and over again through relations, influenced by belief structures, until it finally manifests as illness. UNLESS the trauma is acknowledged, resolved and healed.
Ancestral trauma. This layer is a true kicker in the mix. Trauma sustained from ancestors can ripple through an individual’s energy field undetected. For example, experiences of rape, murder, or brutal oppression are common traumas passed through generations.
Genetic predisposition. When energy chaos ensues in the previous layers, this layer is usually stirred up and shaken to also be served. Genetic predisposition isn’t just a physical propensity for disease, it begins as an energetical one.
Usually, all five causes are an entangled web that rises to the surface in the physical body as symptoms, varying in intensity. The longer the dis-ease of energies is ignored, the louder the symptoms become in the body.
ENERGY ANTIDOTES to dis-ease in the body
Acknowledgement of the Cause - Acknowledgement of an energy disturbance is half of the healing work. Go deep then go to the doctor. One will rattle your world (in a good way), the other will address the physical surface, ultimately healing your world.
DNA Activation for Longevity - Because who doesn’t love longevity?
Healing Genetic Codes - Healing goes forward and back through the generational line by SEVEN generations!
“Our Ancestors knew that healing comes in cycles and circles. One generation carries the pain so that the next can live and heal. One cannot live without the other, each is the other’s hope, meaning & strength.”
Botanical Medicine - As mentioned here, if you have ever taken a homeopathic remedy or herbal tincture, you’ve partaken in energy medicine. These natural medicines carry the energy frequencies of plants that assist in realigning the physical body with its natural state of wellbeing.
Dark-field Microscopy Blood Analysis - This is an effective tool in verifying the underlying, energetical causes of an illness. As Dr. Chris Chlebowski states, “The blood doesn’t lie”. When we view the blood under the microscope, it reveals to us what exactly is going on in the body at that moment in time. And often times, what is indicated there can give unmistakable clues as to what is going on in the mental and emotional bodies.
As Dr. Chris proposes in his book, The Virus and The Host :
“… perhaps we need an even deeper dive into the complexity of human physiology… ?”
I would concur that we do indeed need a paradigm shift. And I would go further to propose that we dive even deeper into the unexplored vastness of ourselves primarily as energy beings. This is where we can begin to shift our consciousness out of the fear of disease into an empowered cultivation of authentic health and longevity. Let’s stop putting out fires. And start flourishing in health.
If you feel ready to go deep and get to the energy cause of an illness, I invite you to book a session with me. It may just up-level your path of healing.