What To Do When Bad Energy Invades Your Space

Over the years, many clients have inquired about dark entities or alien beings who they believed were in their house or orbiting around their energy field. They often express a concern of possibly having a malevolent energy in their home who is repeatedly invading their dreams or meditations or creating havoc among the occupants of the space. Listed below are some suggestions of what to do when you feel an unwelcome entity has entered your space.


#1: Realize that you are a Divine Sovereign Being. Nothing can come into your home or energy field without your permission. PERIOD.

Divine Sovereignty is an actual energy code that humans carry within their DNA. But the frequency of this code has remained dormant for most of us due to societal programming and conditioning over centuries within our cultures. If you need assistance in reactivating this frequency, I invite you to check out the Divine Sovereignty guided meditation.

#2: Zip up your energy field.

This is one step that is often done during ThetaHealing® sessions. Envision that you are zipping yourself up from the soles of your feet to the top of your head with the purest form of Divine Light. As you do this you can say, “I am zipping up my energy field. I am Divinely protected.” This forms a protective layer of light energy between you and the entity, blocking it from entering your field.

#3: Acknowledge the entity.

Once you’ve zipped up your field, address the entity directly. Ask it clearly with intention, “Are you here to do harm or to benefit me? Are you here to guide me or to deceive me?” Upon this investigation, it will become very clear to you if an entity intends to cause mayhem or if it is there to assist you. You will feel it without a doubt.

#4: Command the entity to leave immediately and return to Creator’s Light.

If you encounter an entity who is trying to manipulate, trick, or scare you into compliance with their agenda, you can state to them very clearly, from the stance of Divine Sovereignty, and with your free-will consciously intact, that you do not consent to their agenda. Then, with authority, command them to leave and go immediately to Divine Creator’s Light. This exercise can also be done for people under the influence or possession of a dark entity who are trying to intimidate you into doing what they want.

It’s very important to do this 4th step with confidence from a stable vibration of Knowing within yourself as a Sovereign Being. If you attempt to make this command from a place of resistance or fear, the entity will persist and may even taunt you. It's the difference between playing a game by someone else's terms versus creating your own game and playing on your own terms. If you are unable to address the entity without fear, ask angelic guardians to intercede for you. Command them to remove the entity from your space and take it directly back to Divine Source. OR, call a professional to help clear it if you cannot do it without fear.

#5: Maintain awareness. Don’t fall for an ego trip.

Dark entities always appeal to the ego. Promises of fame, power, wealth, or sex appeal are the most common temptations. These are tricks to entice you to allow dark entities into your energy field. If they are allowed in, they will siphon off your life force energy, leaving you feeling depleted and your ego wanting more to fill the void. Don’t fall for the hype of darkness’ faux promises.

If you do the above steps and still feel there is a bad energy lingering in your space, consider having a professional do an energy clearing at the location. Most people are surprised at the palpable shift they feel in their space after a clearing. Doing so can improve sleep, restore a sense of peacefulness and harmony between the occupants, and even improve profit in a place of business.

Additionally, once the entity has been cleared, you can set an energy grid around the perimeter of your space barring malevolent energies from entering again.

What to do when bad energy is in your home. By Reiki Master & Energy Therapist, Natasha Sol


Dark entities are not the same as ghosts. A dark entity, often referred to as a “demon”, feeds off of the lower emotional energy (fear, anger, despair) of humans caused by chaos and malcontent. Ghosts are lost Souls; people who haven’t fully transitioned into the Light after the point of physical death. They can create havoc in a home in effort to solicit someone who will help them find their way. Addressing these Souls trapped in-between the physical and non-physical realms is very different from casting out dark entities. If you have experienced paranormal activity of a ghost in your space, I highly recommend scheduling a ghost-clearing session to assist you and the Soul.


It is here that I want to speak directly to the topic of alien encounters. Addressing these beings is a little different than addressing spiritual entities or demons.

Those who have either had alien sightings or have encountered ETs within their homes or meditations often report feeling frozen or stunned with fear. Aside from fear of the unknown, there are usually two reasons why a person feels fear when they encounter alien beings:

  • They are operating from state of unconsciousness where the awareness of Sovereign freewill is not intact. Opportunistic alien lifeforms can see vibrationally when a person does not have this frequency activated within their energy field. They often take advantage of this opportunity to work their own agenda.

  • Frequencies of higher dimensional beings can “stir up” unintegrated, unresolved traumas in a person’s energy field. This vibrational surfacing creates a perspective within the human of the alien as a predator when they are not. The encounter is actually providing an opportunity for lower frequencies within the human’s field to be acknowledged and integrated, thus elevating the individual’s vibrational frequency set-point. These energy shifts brought on by alien contact can feel uncomfortably stretching, agitating, emotionally overwhelming, and sometimes, even blissful.


#1: Acknowledge your fear.

By acknowledging your fear, you take the focus of your energy off of the alien and pull your power back into your energy field. It’s not easy, but it’s an important first step.

#2: Remind yourself that you are a Sovereign Being with freewill.

As I said above, NOTHING can override your Divine Sovereign Beingness. NO THING. This is a Universal fact and all alien lifeforms know it. (Except for humans who have been unconsciously programmed.) If you operate from a place of Knowing of this Universal fact, you activate it within your energy field. And as a result, aliens cannot intrude into your energy space if you command them not to.

#3: Address the alien directly.

Once you’ve reactivated your Sovereignty frequency, ask the alien if it is there to assist you for humanity’s highest benefit.

If you do not feel comfortable with the interaction, command them to leave immediately and take with them any and all attachments or implants they’ve brought with them. They cannot impose on your freewill.



Open contact is becoming more active in the global collective energy field. More and more people are accepting the idea of other life in existence beyond Earth. As people become more receptive to this idea, contact with alien lifeforms will become more probable, especially for humans pursuing higher paths of consciousness.

There are a number of benevolent, higher dimensional beings who are assisting humanity in its current evolution of consciousness; The Andromedans, the Lyrans, the Pleiadians, and the Arcturians to name a few. They too have an agenda. That is, to help humanity evolve - enabling us to contribute more to the Galactic Community. And they want to learn from us through observation during this evolutionary phase of our collective consciousness. Although their agenda has a higher purpose than lower vibrational alien lifeforms, it remains an agenda and we have the right to decide whether or not we want to participate.

At risk of sounding like a broken record, our work during this important phase of human evolution is to acknowledge ourselves as Sovereign Energy Beings. If you have recently had an alien sighting or encountered an entity within your space, I want to encourage you to practice the vibration of the Knowing of Sovereign Authority within yourself. It will serve your wellbeing and benefit as we expand into higher states of consciousness and evolve as Galactic Citizens.

Learn more about clearing ghosts and negative entities here.