Climate Change - From The Hathors
“Is climate change something that humans should be worried about?”
Climate change is real but not in the way that humans perceive it to be. From a limited, lower perspective (like an ant’s), changes in the Earth’s climate can seem dramatic, even catastrophic. Many humans have become frightened by these changes. But from a broader, higher perspective, these moderate shifts are a part of maintaining the Earth’s evolutionary balance. It is important for you to TRUST this process.
Your planet transmutes energies just as you do. However, this does not negate your responsibility as an Earth Citizen.
You have a job to do... To send light to the planet and be a good steward of Her.
But do not fear catastrophic events as they are portrayed to you. Remember, there are entities who thrive off of the frequencies of fear and chaos called loosh. Do not become ensnared by their deception. But allow those around you who have become fearfully convinced of climate change (family, friends, co-workers, etc) their process. They are learning and evolving just as you are, only they have chosen a different path.