Crystal Feng Shui for the Home


Crystals are wonderful way to rejuvenate energies within the home. When performing a home energy clearing, I often suggest specific crystals to my clients to help clear stagnation and harmonize energies within their living spaces. And when crystals are intentionally used in conjunction with Feng Shui, they can actually energize the bagua or “energy map” of the home.

Here is a list of crystals that I personally recommend for the bagua or eight areas of the home:

  • Career: This area or “gua” is located at the main entrance of the home representing career goals. (This is the area where we stand facing towards the interior of the home when determining all the other areas. SEE DIAGRAM BELOW.)

    • BLACK TOURMALINE - I highly recommend black tourmaline for the entrance. It is an excellent specimen for grounding energies and emits a potent energy of protection.

    • AQUAMARINE OR LARIMAR - Aquamarine and Larimar are great crystals for this area because they carry the energy of the water element associated with the gua. Aquamarine is clarifying and soothing. Larimar has a calming effect thus reducing stress.

    • SHUNGITE - This striking, black stone is exceptionally helpful in cleansing energies, especially Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) emitted from electronic devices.

  • Fame & Reputation: Directly across from Career on the opposite side of the home, lies (to no surprise) the area that represents how we are seen in the world.

    • FIRE AGATE - This lucky stone embodies the fiery element of the gua and fuels our passion towards fulfilling our dreams and goals.

    • CARNELIAN - Also a fiery stone, Carnelian can assist us in tapping into our creativity force. It helps us find courage and confidence to take action towards our goals.

    • SUNSTONE - The bright energy of this stone adds the glimmer of fame to our endeavors. Representative of enlightened leadership, it is especially beneficial to speakers, authors, social media influencers, and others in the public eye.

  • Wealth & Prosperity: As the provider for my family, I have deeply contemplated this gua many times over. These are the stones I’ve found work best.

    • CITRINE - This powerful crystal carries the golden frequency of abundance. Its fiery element enhances creativity and fuels the powers of personal will and manifestation.

    • GREEN JADE - This classic abundance stone brings balance to the Wealth & Prosperity gua with its graceful, earthy, and heart-centered energies.

    • PERIDOT - Considered to be a powerful generator of the energy of Increase, this prized gemstone influences well-being, love, and positive power.

  • Health & Family: Connected to the Wood element, this gua reflects growth, flexibility, and kindness to those in our family unit.

    • MALACHITE - A powerful heart-healer, the vivid greens of Malachite infuse this gua with energies of protection, confidence, creativity and enlightened leadership.

    • LABRADORITE - A stone of strength and unity, it protects the vital life force energy from being drained.

    • RAINBOW FLUORITE - This crystal portrays all colors associated with the East-side gua; purple, green, and blue. It harmonizes energies within family dynamics and the occupants’ personal energy fields, promoting good health for all involved.

  • Knowledge & Self-Cultivation: The area associated with both intellectual and spiritual learning.

    • LAPIS LAZULI - The utilization of Lapis dates centuries back to ancient civilizations. It was often used the open inner sight, elevate states of awareness, and facilitate communication with Holy Intelligence.

    • BLUE CHALCEDONY - I like to refer to this delicately blue-colored stone as the Gem of the Gods. It is an exceptional stone for meditation and tapping into the elevated perspective of one’s Higher Self.

    • SELENITE - The pure white color of this stone delivers a pristine vibration unlike any other. Useful in clearing energies from the mental body, I highly recommend Selenite in this corner for those who struggle to stay focused or with negative thoughts.

  • Love & Relationship: If you are wanting to spice up your love life, be certain to activate this corner of the bagua!

    • ROSE QUARTZ - A faithful standby when working with crystals, I consider Rose Quartz a must for the Love and Relationship corner. It emanates the frequency of unconditional love, acceptance and compassion.

    • PINK TOURMALINE - The quintessential heart-chakra stone.

    • MOONSTONE - Considered to be a sacred stone with a special significance for lovers, it brings harmony, patience and emotional balance.

  • Children & Creativity: Activate this area when challenges arise with children or creativity blocks.

    • PYRITE - Pyrite’s silvery shimmer gorgeously reflects the metal element of this gua.

    • RHODONITE - The rose-red color of this stone promotes the energy of love and unearths our hidden talents.

    • COPPER - The warmth of Copper channels a nurturing energy towards the children in the home and massages our creativity muscle.

  • Helpful People & Travel: In this area, we are given space to honor and bless those who help us along our path in life’s journeys.

    • AMETHYST - As a beacon of higher wisdom, the energy of this crystal aids us in receiving the guidance of our mentors and spirit guides.

    • SMOKY QUARTZ - A principal grounding crystal, this quartz offers protection and enhances practicality and organization.

    • TIGER’S EYE - As a powerful guardian, this stone emits a frequency of protection, both in the home and on our travels.

  • Unity & Balance: When doing home energy clearings/blessings, I usually set up a crystal grid in this centrally-focused space. The intention set here, represented by the earth element, ripples out to all the other areas of the bagua.

    • ROSE QUARTZ - Place a big chunk of this lovely Quartz in the center of the home to facilitate energies of unconditional Love and support to the occupants.

    • SHIVA LINGAM - Representing both masculine and feminine energies, this stone balances energies in the home.

    • CLEAR QUARTZ CRYSTAL - Clarifying and stabilizing, this no-frills crystal beauty clearly carries the intention for the home and amplifies the energies of the other stones and crystals in the bagua.

P.S. If you live in or are visiting Ashland, pop-in to Soundpeace to shop for your crystals. The staff there are very knowledgeable and they have a beautiful selection!

With Love & crystals,

book a crystal feng shui activation for the home with natasha!