What is a Starseed?

A Starseed is person who feels a profound connection with a particular race of Star Beings such as the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, or the Hathors.

It is said that star races from multiple galaxies and dimensions sent their DNA to populate the Earth.

This alien DNA, within humans, has remained dormant for the most part until now.

Many humans are awakening to their astral roots and remembering their connection to the stars.

You may be pondering, Am I a Starseed?

The fact that you are contemplating this very question and reading this blog post is a strong indication that you may be a Starseed.

Chances are you've already had an experience or have received some information that has incited your inner inquiry.


  • You have had a profound experience through meditation or a dream.

  • You have had information about a specific alien race come into your awareness on multiple occasions.

  • You have even been contacted by your star family.

  • Starseeds often feel displaced. As if they come from another place not on planet Earth.

  • They feel a deep longing for “Home” on a different planet.

  • They often seem wise beyond their years and they display keen intuitive skills.

  • They are also highly empathic.

If you can relate to these examples, you may consider it a strong indication that you are a Starseed.

As humans continue to awaken and remember their astral roots, they will learn about the extraterrestrial aspects of who they are and from where they have come. And as humans embrace this information about themselves, they will expand into a greater Knowing and a collective acceptance as multidimensional Beings in a Galactic community.