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How To Save Your Sanity In A Toxic Relationship


Have you ever had a relationship that felt inescapable?

A demanding friend, a bullysome co-worker, a smothering mother, a critical father, an argumentative child, an opinionated in-law, or a disrespectful neighbor who makes you feel crazy?

Even if you’ve tried therapy, mediation, or litigation, you can’t seem to come to a consensus with this person?

It’s crazy-making! Am I right?

And because you feel agitated by the mere thought of interacting with this person, your physical body may be showing symptoms of stress - Skin disorders (acne, eczema, or hives), digestive issues, congested liver, thyroid issues, and chronic headaches being the most common.

It doesn’t have to be this way. You can…

Circumvent Explosive Interactions through spiritual-SHIFTING practicality

You can pivot REAL CHANGE in your relationships and create REAL SOLUTIONS to save your sanity!

How do I know?

Because I lived it.

I navigated toxic relationships with a drug-addict neighbor, a verbally-abusive mother, and a narcissistic ex-spouse.

Why will spiritual-shifting work when nothing else has?

Because we are addressing the underlying root cause of the energy disturbance that created the relational toxicity.

When we don’t see eye-to-eye with someone, we’ve been taught that someone has to compromise in order to create a solution. Our societal programming says someone always has to lose.

(And that’s simply not true.)

So, by default, we try to reestablish our sense of peace by manipulating, convincing, or forcing the other person to change. We even see this in everyday politics.

Or, if we are unable to change their behavior, we…

  • Change our environment e.g., removing ourselves from the physical vicinity of the toxic person

  • Isolate ourselves, as a means to create a sense of peace or safety

  • Implement behavioral coping mechanisms, such as people-pleasing to avert conflict

But current astrologucal shifts have intensified energies to the point that coping mechanisms just don’t cut it anymore. They don’t work.

What we really need to change is the ENERGY WITHIN OURSELVES. Otherwise, we just jump from one toxic encounter to another, different name-different face, with the same ol’ emotional baggage that ends up as dis-ease in the physical body (or war on a national scale).


Because of the application of Energy Alchemy, I have guided numerous clients towards peaceful resolution in toxic situations. Using clarity and practical advice, I offer supportive guidance so that you can:

  • Reestablish a consistent sense of peaceful s p a c i o u s n e s s

  • Strategize using your Inner Wisdom

  • Neutralize word bombs lobbed to provoke explosive interactions

  • Learn the Art of Inquiry to empower yourself and others

  • Create WIN-WIN scenarios

  • Heal traumas that keep you locked in repeating relationship patterns

  • Regain control of your emotions

  • Rejuvenate your physical wellbeing and vitality

  • Nullify any future clashes by dissolving energy attachments and cords, and reclaiming Soul fragments


If you are at your wits end and ready for a powerful, life-pivoting spiritual shift, click on the link to book your initial session below. 

I look forward to working with you and helping you bring your peace back.