What is Spiritual Rebirth?

There are some traumas that cannot be healed through energy work. No matter how much “work” has been done, the dark energy of trauma or a curse can still weigh heavily on a client’s field. This weight can cause much discontent, strife and dis-ease for the bearer.

Regardless of how much we think we know or how much we’ve experienced, there are some things in life, like the weight of a curse or trauma, that are just too enormous for us as lightworkers and healers to know how to address. These bigger-than-life challenges give us opportunities to lay ego aside and come empty handed to Divine Creator-Source like a child. And when we do, the miraculous occurs.


Often referred to as “a Dark Night of the Soul”, a person who feels they cannot escape from the dark energy of a curse or trauma, may be at a loss of where to turn. On the surface they may save face with a smile as they engage with those around them. But under the surface, a lurid, energetic membrane seems to suffocate their every activity. There is a void of all hope. Fatigue and apathy are common symptoms. The person may contemplate the only way out of their despair is to end their physical incarnation in order to receive the peace they so desperately need. And ultimately, they arrive at a crossroads… To be or cease to be.

As one intensely considers the direction of their life at this crossroads, what usually keeps them tethered to the earth plane is the Love they feel for others in their life - a child or children, a spouse or significant other, a parent or friend. Then, Divinely-timed intercession takes place. A parent calls, a child enters the room, a friend knocks at the door. It’s profound moment when a Soul’s exit through a death door has been Divinely impeded, rerouting the individual towards a transformative spiritual rebirth.

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.
— 2 Corinthians 5:17


When we choose to bypass the death door and emerge from the rebirth canal, we are gifted the miraculously astounding experience of sliding into the Light - into the open and loving arms of a new Life paradigm. Suddenly, within a moment, the timeline shifts and life is given a palpable new sense of purpose. Countenance brightens with feelings of peace, hope and determination. And an exuberance for life returns.

This is what Jesus meant by being “born again”. When we choose to lay the life of our internal traumas and dark curses to rest, life transforms. We are “reborn” into higher states of Christened (enlightened) consciousness - the higher consciousness of Infinite Divine Creator-Source allowing ALL-THAT-IS to work through us to a greater degree. It’s the “second coming of Christ” within us.

Spiritual rebirth is a phenomena that many healers, lightworkers and others within the awakened collective are presently experiencing with the current energy shifts of the Spring Equinox. By Divine grace, we have been given an opportunity not to just heal but to emerge as new creations from the darkness of our personal traumas. This opulence of rebirth cannot be accessed through the mental body. We must surrender all that we know and allow our stories of trauma to die within the lifeline. This death of the internal Self enables us to be born again as spiritual newborns wrapped in a caul of holy anointing. This transformative experience is necessary for some because humanity is on a tumultuous journey of evolution. And it is necessary for us to be clear and ready to serve to the highest decree. From a new and joyful heart.

If you could use some help maneuvering a Dark Night of The Soul or a life-threatening situation, please reach out to someone. And if you need assistance, please book a session with me. I am here for you and happy to help!

Remember… You are not alone. And you are loved!