The Five Be's For Maneuvering Uncertainty
“I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Some may agree with me that a great amount of living can be packed into one day when traveling or transitioning to a new location. Maintaining a sense of groundedness can become challenging when you move out of your familiar environment and comfort zone, as life can fill to the brim with new people, surroundings and experiences. All the newness of the unexplored can feel like big hit on the nervous system.
So has life felt for me over the past few weeks since my last blog post…
Two tango festivals, a gnarly head cold, giraffe licks, a waterfall, a few hot springs, visits with my grown children, four national forests, an outdoor music festival in the Sawtooth Mountains, Ernest Hemingway’s grave, a dinner with new friends, a couple of mountain peak hikes, and finally, landing in a new city after a journey of 3,187+ miles.
Overall, after living through the rollercoaster of change and uncertainty that the month of June provided, I learned a few things that I hope will stick with me for the enduring life of an Idaho ghost town.
BE GIVING. As my new friend Amy says, when we are freely giving towards others, the energy that we send out returns to us. Kindness begets kindness. Generosity plants abundance. Love grows with Love given.
PLEASE NOTE: Giving to someone with an energy attachment of expectation to receive something in return is not the same thing. It’s an energy exchange that can create feelings of disappointment and/or resentment among both parties if it goes unaddressed or unacknowledged. BE CLEAR IN YOUR ENERGY OF GIVING. Are you giving freely without attachment or are you giving to manipulate a specific outcome?
BE OPEN. When facing the uncertainty, one of the most loving things you can do for yourself is to allow yourself to be open to receive what the Universe delivers to you. New friends, experiences and opportunities will present themselves in magical ways that you may not have previously imagined. And they usually manifest exactly when you need them to.
BE GRATEFUL. As I have mentioned here, gratitude felt in your heart can raise and amplify your vibe. It’s like a power up inside you that radiates outwardly to everything and everyone around you! “Count your blessings” isn’t just an adage - it’s no joke. Genuinely give thanks for what you presently have and witness the Universe pour out even more blessings to you.
BE PRESENT. This tip is a key to successfully maneuvering uncertainty. When we maintain presence in the moment, we allow Divine guidance to speak to us, clearly. Clear inner guidance is crucial to…
BE TRUE TO YOUR PATH. This tip is very important for empaths to remember. If you are empathic, you may find yourself HIGHLY influenced by others’ energies and desires. Be aware when your plans impulsively change to align with someone else’s desires. Especially if the change in plans leads you off of or distracts you from your previously planned path. I often use the affirmation, “I am aligned with my highest, optimal timeline and Life path.” This declaration helps me stay on track with my dharma or Life purpose.
“Every challenge, fear, or loss you encounter bears gifts far more valuable than the price of trouble they cause. And remember, no loss ever goes unsettled in the long run.”
So if you find yourself free falling into the void of the Unknown, I hope you will find solace in the five Be’s. So BE it. (wink)